I had just graduated from high school, many, many years ago, and I decided that instead of getting ready for college right away, I was going to travel to the Midwest to spend some time with my Grandma. Her health wasn’t the greatest, and I didn’t know how many opportunities I was going to get to do something like that. My parents fully supported my decision, and even helped me pay for my plane ticket to get there. I couldn’t have been more grateful. As soon as I stepped foot in Granny’s house, I knew I had made the right choice. I’ve never had someone so happy to see me before.
I knew why she was happy. Besides the fact that she loved me, it was going to be nice to have someone to help her out around the house. I was happy to do it. One of the several chores that I took on was cooking. I wanted to make her something really special for a snack one day, so I went digging through her old cookbooks.
I found a recipe just like this one from The Pioneer Woman for pimento cheese spread. I whipped it up for us that afternoon. We just sat on the back porch for hours, eating, talking, and enjoying life. It was one of the very bets trips I have ever taken in my entire life.
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